Gorgeous, decorative 585 gold bracelet by Fritz Möhler, Schwäbisch Gmünd around 1935
(* 23. Oktober 1896 in Schwäbisch Gmünd; † 1. Juli 1978)
5 transversely rectangular links with flower tendrils motif, open-worked,
rectangular intermediate links connected with ring eyelets, with ball soldering,
12 faceted cut, round emeralds,
very rare, probably one of a kind
Marked: workshop mark, artist’s monogram, 585
in a good, beautiful condition
Length: 20 cm
Width: 1.8 cm
Weight: 37,50 g
Lit .: Christianne Weber, jewelry from the 20s and 30s in Germany, p.260
Similar work in flower ornamentation in Stuttgart in the Württemberg State Museum
Fritz Möhler, gold and silversmith, professor
was born on October 23, 1896 in Schwäbisch Gmünd, the date of death is unknown,
Fritz Möhler was one of the recognized goldsmiths workshops of the German Empire,
Based on forms of the Renaissance and Baroque, rejection of abstract geometric design,
1923 Foundation of a workshop in Schwäbisch Gmünd
1948 appointed professor
In May 1957 Möhler became the deputy president of the central association
chosen by the German goldsmiths, silversmiths and jewelers.
1944 Golden Ring of Honor from the Society for Goldsmithing
1968 Silver cup and honorary master by the central association
of German goldsmiths, silversmiths and jewelers