Very beautiful, large outstanding and absolute decorative Real Amber Butterscotch necklace in form of spheres
from the 1950s/1960s
with 25 spheres in different sizes, in original old beautiful yellow butterscotch Amber in good quality
partially with beautiful texturing and screw clasp
Caution! the color of the amber necklace at the photos can vary on different displays/monitors,
on my elder PC the color seems to be e.g brownish like dark egg yolk, which is not identical to the original color
on my Handy and on my newer PC the the necklace appears to be more yellow, which comes pretty close to the
original color
2 spheres near the drill hole slightly traces of use (see photos)
else necklace in a good condition
Total Length of the neclace: 57 cm
measures of the diameters of the Spheres: see 2nd of the following photos
from clasp left to right:
1,83 cm, 1,92 cm, 1,95 cm, 1,95 cm, 2.06 cm, 2,05 cm, 2,13 cm, 2,12 cm, 2,28 cm, 2,37 cm, 2,39 cm, 2,62 cm,
3,46 cm,
2,66 cm 2,42 cm , 2,41 cm, 2,25 cm, 2,22 cm, 2,11 cm, 2,04 cm, 2,05 cm, 1,95 cm, 1,95 cm, 1,95 cm, 1,94 cm
Total Weight: 163,8g